Safety First:

Allergen Awareness with Kappture’s Mobile App Solution

Closeup of mobile phone showing kappture allergen on the screen

Allergen Awareness with Kappture’s Mobile App Solutions 

Today, as it stands, assuring the safety and well-being of customers is of the utmost importance. With a rise in food allergies and dietary restrictions, it is crucial that hospitality and food service businesses put more emphasis on allergen awareness to provide a safe dining experience. At Kappture, we address this vital issue by offering an intuitive mobile application.  

Understanding the Challenge 

In the UK, food allergies are a significant concern, affecting a considerable portion of the population. According to data from Allergy UK, approximately 2 million people in the UK have a diagnosed food allergy, with children being particularly susceptible. This statistic emphasises the widespread impact of food allergies within the UK population [1] 

Dining out can be a daunting experience for individuals as they must carefully navigate through the menu to avoid potential allergens. Even a slight cross-contact with allergenic ingredients can lead to a life-threatening scenario, making it a top priority for customers and businesses alike.    

Role of Kappture’s Mobile App Solutions 

Our mobile app is designed to help customers and food service providers/businesses with the tools to ensure safety against allergens. The adaptable app allows food service providers to accurately communicate allergen information to end-users/customers while providing the customer flexibility to customise their dining experience based on their needs.    

kappture app showcasing allergen filter

Key Features

Allergen information integration

The app seamlessly integrates allergen information into restaurant menus, allowing customers to make informed decisions quickly considering their allergens. It empowers customers make an informed decision and avoid potential allergens by providing comprehensive information upfront. 

 Customised allergen alerts

The app allows customers to set allergen alerts as per their requirements. When placing an order via the app, customers can specify their allergens, and the app will automatically notify them if any selected items contain those allergens.   

 Interactive ingredient lists

Not only just static allergen information, but the app also allows customers to go through an interactive ingredient list for each menu item. Customers can easily filter out allergens if they wish to avoid them, ensuring a transparent and user-friendly dining experience. 

 Real-Time updates and alerts

The app also provides real-time updates and alerts to customers and business staff regarding any change to menu items or allergen information. This proactive approach ensures that the customers are always informed and empowered to make the right choice. 

The Kappture app provides a comprehensive approach to allergen safety, equipping customers and food service providers with essential tools for navigating menus safely. Alongside, features such as vouchers, pre-ordering, and click & collect further enhance the app’s usability for both parties. 

By implementing this technology into business operations, safety truly comes first, ensuring peace of mind for customers with food allergies and dietary restrictions. 
